Wednesday, December 31, 2008

3 lincolns live!

So, my Dad has a band with two other guys in our neighborhood. They call themselves the 3 Lincolns. They have been dubbed by others as "Old Man Band," but that isn't their stage name for obvious reasons. Later next week, we are having a party for the 3 Lincolns, as a practice for their first gig. And what would a concert be without backstage V.I.P. passes? Well, not a concert at all, in fact. So my Dad commissioned me to make these backstage passes, front and back, that will eventually hang from a lanyard around the necks of our lucky guests. And here they are! The drawing of Lincoln with the guitar on the back of the pass was drawn by my brother, Grant. Barcode was stolen from somewhere on google, the rest is by yours truly!
          front                                            back

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

rainbow splash

rainbow splash
Originally uploaded by DanielleKay

This is another splash photo taken yesterday. All of the splashes I photographed yesterday are really starting to grow on me. I like how they're a little trippy and kind of abstract. Splash photos are a little overdone, so hopefully I did something unique! To get the colors, I placed the glass bowl on top of my old, and very colorful Psychology book, and threw some colored glass pebbles in the bottom of the bowl as well. I'm very happy with how it turned out!

Monday, December 29, 2008

spotlight- self portrait

This self portrait is a result of a 30 minute shoot I decided to do after dinner when I found my old prom dress in my closet. I burned the corners and background of the photo to make the dress stand out; I think I achieved the effect I was going for!

spotlight on Flickr

Abstract water

Earlier today I did some macro water shots of splashes and bubbles. Many of them turned out very abstract, which I am very happy with. I took over 200 photos, so more of them will be posted eventually! This is one that I titled "Rainbow Lava."

non-ghetto lighting

Well, I managed to acquire studio lighting equipment on eBay for an excellent price, and it should be arriving any day now. I'm so excited to finally have lighting that I didn't find on a coffee table or in the basement. Look forward to some fabulously lit portraits!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

self portrait 2

self portrait 2
Originally uploaded by DanielleKay

Here is a macro self portrait from my A.M. shoot last night (this morning). I cropped it into a sort of panorama, which seemed more interesting than the original.

self portrait

self portrait
Originally uploaded by DanielleKay

This is one result of messing around with self portraits for a few hours. I did a quick edit in Photoshop, so when I look at it in the morning (not 3:20 a.m.) I might realize it needs some more tweaking, but here is the finished product as of right now.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In desperate need of lighting equipment

I just started bidding on a studio lighting set on eBay...hopefully nobody else notices it! How awesome would it be to get two umbrellas & stands for $17. Pretty awesome, I'd say. There are 9 days left to bid, and I'm going to be keeping my beady little eyes on it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

anger brushing

anger brushing
Originally uploaded by DanielleKay

This is my most recent self portrait. I tried to combine an emotion with a normally emotionless activity, and was pretty amused with the end result. Now every time you brush your teeth you will look in the mirror and growl at yourself...hopefully.

More self portraits to come, I'm sure!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Silent Auction- my first sale!

December 1st was World AIDS Day, so to remember all the lives that were lost to this terrible disease, and to celebrate the progress that is being made in research, there was a Gala/Ceremony in Bloomington, IN where I go to school. I'm a member of the Indiana University Photography Society, and we were invited to donate photos to a silent auction. All proceeds from the silent auction went to Positive Link, the HIV/AIDS clinic in Bloomington.

We weren't really sure that we would sell much, if any, photographs, but it turned out pretty well! All three pieces I had in the auction were sold, and one of mine had the highest bid out of all photographs! It may seem trivial, but I was very excited about it. I have never sold a piece of artwork before, so it was quite an eventful day. It was also wonderful that all proceeds went to the AIDS clinic; I was glad to donate artwork to such a wonderful cause!

Hopefully my first sale will stir up a whirlwind of selling...but probably not. We'll see where I'm at in a few years!


And in other news...I finally surpassed 2000 views on my RedBubble photography website! I'm not sure if this is a lot, or a little, but I've been a member since July 2008. It seemed like a good milestone to record, since I don't remember when I passed 1000...oops. Maybe this means people are starting to like my work...hopefully!

too loud

too loud, originally uploaded by DanielleKay.

I discovered a couple days ago that I can upload directly from my Flickr website to my blog. I'm pretty excited about it; it should make sharing photos on my blog much easier! This is a self-portrait done over the summer.

The only problem is that the majority of my photography is on my RedBubble and not Flickr! Looks like I have some transferring to do...

Photography blog

I created this new blog specifically for my photography and art. I will post new photos, new ideas and updates about my progress. World of art I come!